Get all KidRacer-X Contenton a USB Flash DriveNew for 2019, I’ve finally managed to put together a simple program to manage requests for my online content. I used to offer this via a 2-disc DVD collection that you would load and download content from. This has...
Horror BroGay. Horror. Audio. Fiction.

Horror Bro
Gay. Horror. Audio. Fiction.

Born out of my love of podcasts, good horror, and sexy guys in trouble, Horror Bro presents a new spin on entertainment. I frankly don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.Horror Bro is a collection of free homo-erotic horror audio stories. Graphic,...
“Why?”Origins of My Kink

Origins of My Kink

For all of us who travel the journey of self-discovery in gay kink, bondage, fetish, and gear, KidRacer-X asks “Why?” in this introspective video. How did it start? Where did it come from? What shaped our attitudes and desires for the unconventional? How...
I’m Gonna MakeYou Beg…

I’m Gonna Make
You Beg…

This is probably where some will freak out and others will be turned on. Every now and then for whatever reason, I get this insatiable urge to unleash hell and let my hormones and desires rule. In a recent email exchange with this aggressive stud, he used the term...
My Plastic and PVC Fetish…

My Plastic and PVC Fetish…

One of my most dominant addictions revolves around my total passion for plastic and vinyl. For years, this was my “quiet” trigger of sexual compulsion. I never shared it with anyone because it seemed abstract and almost a deeper fetish than what others...
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